Monday, September 10, 2018



By-Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya."This was my real experience, cured of cancer with cassava. Hopefully, this experience useful for many people".
My bladder cancer was in stage 2, after seven years of cancer in the the urethra. Kidney, urethra and part of the bladder is removed. I experienced abdominal radiation.
I feel healthy for seven years. I did a routine check up every year. after seven years, there was blood in my urine, which was caused by the growth of cancer cells in the bladder. The new cancer was lifted again. But what if the cancer is growing again ...

From the internet I found information on the use of apricot seeds for cancer treatment in the Australia and America without chemotherapy.
A doctor Missionaries from England, who served in a secluded spot in the Afghanishtan find the content of vitamin B17 in apricot seeds.
In Afghanishtan, a person's wealth measured by the number of apricot trees they have. They not only eat apricots, but also seeds. Apricot seeds have shape and bitter almond. The people of this region, no one is suffering from cancer. After being observed, apricot seeds contain vitamin B17.