Herbal - Treatment - For - Pimple - Acne
Is a condition in which the skin pores clogged, causing lumps and abscesses (pockets of pus) are inflamed and infected. Acne most often affects adolescents, but can occur at any age. This condition usually starts at puberty and may continue, for many years. Possible causes are hormonal changes that stimulate the sebaceous glands (oil glands) in the skin. Other hormonal changes can also trigger acne occurs during the menstruation, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stress. Dietary factors have little or no effect at all on acne, though some people think they are sensitive to certain foods.
During puberty, the sebaceous glands are more active and produce excess oil and dries, the skin peeled off so that bacteria accumulate in the pores of the skin, and forming blackheads. This blackheads that block the flow of oil from the hair root sheath (follicles) to the pores.
If a partial blockage, there will be black nodule, but if the blockage total, there will be white nodule. Bacteria that grow in the pores are clogged, outlining some of the fat in the oil, and cause skin irritation. Black and white nodule is what the acne irritated, and if it gets worse will form an abscess.